domingo, 25 de outubro de 2015

Gingando para Cidadania 2015

Finalmente, destacamos ainda o passaporte Gingando para Cidadania: um método criativo de autoavaliação do projeto. Cada participante ganhou um passaporte à chegada e nele registrava diariamente seus aprendizados, seus medos, expectativas. O resultado foi muito positivo, tendo a maioria dos participantes aprendido mais sobre a capoeira, sobre sua utilização como ferramenta de inclusão social e de promoção da cidadania europeia. 

sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2015

Gingando para Cidadania

Outra atividade que merece destaque foi o Mapping Europe. A ideia é registar o movimento da capoeira nas cidades de onde os parceiros vieram: quando surgiu, como, que caracterísiticas tem, o público que a pratica e outras mais. . O site com o conteúdo apresentado nesta atividade foi criado e organizado pelo Raul Ortega Moral, com o suporte da associação Casal Popular Capoeira (Valência/Espanha). Nele, tem um questionário que pode ser respondido online e, assim, compreendermos um pouco mais a dinâmica da capoeira em nossas localidades. Fica aí o link para quem quiser conhecer este projeto do nosso amigo Raul e que nos inspirou a organizar um novo projeto de formação de redes na capoeira para 2016!

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2015

Gingando para Cidadania 2015

O primeiro dia de intercâmbio foi produtivo: dinâmicas de grupo, workshops de capoeira, grupos de reflexão e discussão.
O sol chegou com força no segundo dia e, por ser um sábado, contou com mais participantes portugueses vindos de outras cidades de Portugal. Pela manhã, Contra-Mestre Bola responsabilizou-se pelo workshop e, à tarde, todos foram para o Forte de Peniche onde houve um momento especial: o batizado e a entrega de cordas dentro de uma capela! Sim, a capoeira que foi (e por vezes ainda é) bastante discriminada teve seu lugar de destaque num local respeitado e ligado à igreja católica. O destaque ficou por conta do Mestre Alexandre Batata, vindo de Faro, que cantou inúmeras músicas e abrilhantou o ritual da roda.
Do terceiro dia em diante, o Gingando para Cidadania manteve seu ritmo normal e respeitou a metodologia de aprendizado não-formal proposta: workshops, visitas culturais, exibição de documentários seguidos de debate. Os pontos altos foram as performances públicas de capoeira e música junto ao público que assistia ao Campeonato Internacional de Surf, as parcerias com a Cerci - Cooperativa de Educação e Reabilitação de Cidadãos Inadaptados de Peniche e com a Universidade Senior. Um diálogo intergeracional e a animação cultural de um público especial abrilhataram as atividades!

sábado, 17 de outubro de 2015

Gingando para Cidadania 2015

A quinta edição do projeto não poderia ser diferente: nosso intituito foi fazer uma grande revisão dos temas abordados nos projetos anteriores e reunir o maior número possível de participantes e parceiros.
Foi assim que, entre os dias 16 e 23 de Outubro, em Peniche, misturamos portugueses, espanhóis, franceses, eslovenos, croatas e estonianos. Todos juntos para debater as possibilidades que a capoeira oferece para melhorarmos nossas vidas e daqueles que convivem conosco.
Todos os participantes hospedaram-se na Pousada da Juventude. Porém, logo na primeira noite, houve uma grande tempestade na cidade que causou alagamentos e diversas famílias ciganas e portuguesas ficaram desalojadas. Diante desta situação, o presidente da Câmara Municipal de Peniche e a direção da Pousada da Juventude, solicitaram que todos os participantes fossem remanejados para o Pavilhão Desportivo Stella Maris. A Pousada da Juventude abrigaria as famílias em carácter de urgência. Apesar do imprevisto, houve um aspecto positivo na mudança: os participantes ficariam hospedados no mesmo local onde as atividades seriam realizadas sem necessidade de muitos deslocamentos!

segunda-feira, 8 de setembro de 2014

Capoeira and 7 Causes – fifth edition of "Gingando para a Cidadania"!

“7 days 7 causes” was a name of the project that Ginga Brasil Association had done this year. But it was not only the project at the end of which we have organized next edition of “doing ginga for citizenship” – it was a great example of how Capoeira might be used for social causes. And thanks to financial support of Youth In Action program we were able to show that example to almost 40 people from: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Great Britain and Estonia.
Project participants visiting Lisbon
Project was realized in late April and early May 2014.  As the name suggests it lasted seven days during which we disseminated seven social goals – European citizenship, overcoming poverty (social inclusion), volunteering, creativity and innovation, global environmental issues, young people’s health, intercultural dialogue – and demonstrated how Afro-Brazilian culture might be utilized to enhance realizing those goals.
Six nations (Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech, Estonia, Great Britain, Portugal)  all united for seven causes
Through Capoeira, Maculele, African dances, music lesson we integrated five different nations and we sensitized participants to many social issues. Firsts four days was a preparation – as many participants have never done Capoeira we did a lot of  various classes with basics – to the “Gingando para a Cidadania” event that took place at the end of the project. Many of our students changed their gradation, our youngest pupils did the same and had the opportunity to play with good capoeiristas from all over the Europe.  

But what is more important: each day we also realized different topic (mentioned above) that in our opinion are connected to the idea of citizenship or civic society. If you are interested in more details  you can see more information about this project on its blog page:

As it was a first time that our Association was a host for so many people we learned a lot through this experience. Members of association gain a lot thanks to interaction with other cultures  and participants not only were able to develop their Capoeira skills but also become more aware of  topics that are significant in nowadays Europe.

quinta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2014

Fortunate 2013!

Year 2013 was loaded with work that continued the idea of “Gingando para a Cidadania”. Members of Ginga Brasil Association worked hard all of the year and their efforts were awarded with two events.
In June group organized fourth edition of “Gingando para a Cidadania” event. This time it was supervised by special guest – Mestre Eduardo Negão. His presence enhanced the quality of the event and his teachings influenced all of participants.

Mestre Eduardo Negão and Contra-Mestre Bola
Event had two parts – first took place in Lisbon and second was in Peniche. In both places participants had the opportunity to train with great Capoeira teachers, to play a lot during rodas and also some of them changed their gradation. This event was more like an internal fete of the group and the closeness of masters and professors allowed participants to fully take advantage of event and improve their Capoeira skills.

4th edition of "Gingando para a Cidadania"
Second event – “Toca a Gingar” was organized with financial support from EU program Youth in Action and took place in Lisbon at the end of September. This was a quite multicultural meeting – project gathered people from Brazil, Estonia, France, Netherlands, Poland and of course Portugal.

Participants of "Toca a Gingar" project in front of headquarters of Ginga Brasil Association
Despite the fact that the name differed, this meeting fully realized the idea of “doing ginga for citizenship”. Participants not only exchanged experience through Capoeira movements (vamos começar a brincadeira, brincadeira da rasteira J ),  but also gained a lot of knowledge thanks to various classes, seminars and group discussions.

"Toca a Gingar" participants during the lecture on spirituality within Capoeira

During this time all of us had again the opportunity to draw on the experience of Mestre Eduardo Negão and many other great teachers. And furthermore association members shared with all of the visitors their know-how about organizing projects and using Capoeira as a social tool. It was a great time as well as the rest of the year – all that gave us motivation for more hard work in current year!

quarta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2014

"Trabalho de formiga" - everyday "ant's" work.

Since 2010 when this long-lasting project have started, Ginga Brasil Association managed to organize many events named "Gingando para a Cidadania". Some of them were small and local, some were enormous logistic challenge for us. With every year and every new experience the idea grow and get to involve more and more people from different countries.

Estonia and Portugal "doing ginga for citizenship" during bilateral meeting in 2011

Gingando para a Cidadania started as bilateral partnership with capoeiristas from Estonia - then with time and financial support from Youth in Action Program grew to multicultural project. Till now our association was able to host and influence partners from Brazil, France, Estonia, Poland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and spread among them the idea of “doing ginga for civic society”. Of course those meetings were great opportunity for practicing Capoeira, play with many capoeiristas, exchange some experience. However we want to believe that – through showing how Association works and through sharing the knowledge of how write and realize projects founded by EU – we have managed to inspire many people to start their own work similar to our idea.But “Gingando para a Cidadania” are not only events that have this label on. It’s everyday work – an “ant’s” work – that culminates every year with Capoeira workshops or multicultural meetings. This work is not only giving classes but also building relationship with local authorities, institutions, cooperating with partner associations and supporting cultural actions of these entities.

Social consultation - cooperation between local associations and local authorities  

There are also other projects submitted, approved and realized by Association – descriptions of some of them will occur in next articles.

Project "Toca a Gingar" - multicultural meeting in 2013

So when you read those posts that are depicting events, please remember that they are preceded by regular daily work. This harmonizes with belief that Association’s members share: to work in favor of civic society you have to do it with small steps every day.